1. With Arms Outstretched, The Execution of All Things
2. Spectacular Views, The Execution of All Things
3. Portions for Foxes, More Adventurous
4. The Good That Won't Come Out, The Execution of All Things
5. I Never, More Adventurous
6. The Frug, The Initial Friend
7. It's a Hit, More Adventurous
8. A Better Son/Daughter, The Execution of All Things
9. A Man/Me/Then Jim, More Adventurous
10. More Adventurous, More Adventurous

It's been more than six months since I was blown away their Terminal 5 performance, and since then, my obsession has grown. Their quirky lyrics and mellow musical stylings are perfect for my daily subway commutes and for looping on my iPhone during a long work week of data entry and graphic design.
I now own all of their CDs (with the exception of The Initial Friend, which is hard to come by), and my top-ten changes daily as their songs speak to me differently depending on my mood and state of mind. Which is why I must amend my original list by tacking on 15 more top songs, finally giving Take Offs and Landings the recognition it deserves.
*I was really tempted to put Accidntel Deth on this list, but it's a little too depressing for a top 25. An honorable mention goes to Bulletproof which, at 2 minutes, was just too short.*
Rilo Kiley - Another Top Ten and Then Five More:
1. Wires and Waves, Take Offs and LandingsAnd sometimes, planes, they smash up in the sky2. My Slumbering Heart, The Execution of All Things
And sometimes, lonely hearts, they just get lonelier
And lonelier, and lonelier, and lonelier
And I've become just like a terrible mess3. Breakin' Up, Under the Blacklight
Searching the lines in my face for
Something more beautiful than is there
The crowds keep me coming back
Betrayal is a thorny crown4. Plane Crash in C, Take Offs and Landings
You wear it well
Just like a king
Revenge is the saddest thing
Honey, I'm afraid to say
You deserve everything
How do you do it and make it seem effortless?5. Absence of God, More Adventurous
When it's all the stupid things, so overwhelming to me
Like paying my bills, or showing up for work early
Or laughing at your jokes
And Rob says you love, love, love, and then you die6. Pictures of Success, Take Offs and Landings
I've watched him while sleeping and seen him crying with closed eyes
And you're not happy but you're funny and I'm tripping over my joy
But I just keep on getting up again
I'm a modern girl, but I fold in half so easily7. Paint's Peeling, The Execution of All Things
When I put myself in the picture of success
I could learn world trade or try to map the ocean
And oh, I'm not going back8. The Execution of All Things, The Execution of All Things
To the assholes that made me a perfect display
Of random acts of hopelessness
And if you’re well off,9. Capturing Moods, The Execution of All Things
Well then I’m happy some for you
But I’d rather not celebrate my defeat and humiliation
Here with you
And I don’t mind waiting if it takes a long, long time10. Silver Lining, Under the Blacklight
I don’t mind braving the coldest winter of our time
I don’t mind racing through our goodbyes
And I was your silver lining, as the story goes11. August, Take Offs and Landings
I was your sliver lining, but now I'm gold
Someday we'll meet beyond the stars12. Always, Take Offs and Landings
And it'll be away from here
Someday we'll meet beyond the time and the bars
And it'll be away from here
I should've known with a boy like you13. Science Vs. Romance, Take Offs and Landings
Your middle name is Always
I'd always love you
I used to think14. Three Hopeful Thoughts, Execution of All Things
If I could realize I'd die
Then I would be a lot nicer
Used to believe
In a lot more
And the hero that you'd hoped you'd be15. Go Ahead, Take Offs and Landings
Never seemed to show up
And if I can keep on talking
There won't be time to give up
If you want to find yourself by traveling out west
Or if you want to find somebody else that's better
Go ahead
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