Thursday, April 17, 2008

Let the Tube Be Your Guide

Alas, I will shortly be going on hiatus from blogging. I've tried to keep it regular the past few months but there are more pressing commitments for my time and I must bid adieu. But I will leave you with this:

I'm not much of a YouTuber, never have been. Mass consuming micro bits of entertainment has never really interested me or been able to hold my attention. I'd rather watch full, 22 minute television episodes than a series of webisode shorts, although YouTube's Ask Ninja and Potter Puppet Pals series are ridiculously entertaining.

While researching for a series of web articles recently, I did spend a significant amount of time on Youtube and here are some of the random videos I found to share:

Joss Whedon: Equality Now:

That OTHER Writers Strike (1988):

Go Ask Alice: Tripping in Alice in Wonderland:

In Memoriam: The Buffy Sing a Long

The Films of Studio Ghibli:

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